Sunday, August 23, 2020

Important Rules In Playing Ceme Around


Important Rules In Playing Ceme Around

Gambling players certainly have to try the ceme game around. The game is a gambling game that is also often played. This game uses domino cards. You can play these games using only a computer, laptop and even a smart phone that you can carry anywhere. Website Judi Online 303 Because at this time there are already available applications that can be installed on your smart phone.

With applications that can be installed on your cellphone, of course it will make it easier for players to play. Playing gambling outside the home is no longer impossible because everything can be played if there is a cellphone and internet network. Actually there are Panduan Judi 303 several main elements that every gambling player must have, namely money, cellphones, internet networks, and also playing techniques.

Players must know how to play in a game. By knowing this, the players will be able to win the game easily. Besides that your chances of winning are also very big.

Traveling Ceme Game Winner

The ceme game has its own rules to determine who wins the game. The following is an event that was said to be the winner of the phenomenal game:

High card value

The players who have a higher card value than the card obtained by the dealer then the player wins the game, where the player is entitled to bet money and bonuses.Bandar Judi Online 303 And vice versa, if the player card value is smaller than the card owned by the dealer, the player loses the game. So that the bet money belongs to the dealer.

Series cards

If the value of the bookie card and the player is the same or a tie then the game player loses and the bookie wins the game. Therefore, the dealer has the right to get the stake.

Card value 9

If a player scores 9 then he is entitled to receive 2 x the money used for betting.

Rules for Playing Ceme Online Around

In the online gaming ceme around there are playing rules that you must fulfill, namely:

As a player, you must bring sufficient playing capital

Choose the table you want to choose to play on

Players will be given 8 seconds to place a bet

If the player exceeds the specified time limit, the card will be immediately distributed to the player

The next player will be given 7 Agen Judi Pulsa seconds to save the cards that are distributed to him

After 7 seconds have passed, each player must open his card

The player who has a card value higher than the dealer will be the winner

In addition, there are jackpot card combinations in this game. Where the jackpot card combination is divided into:

Small Pure Card

A card combination that has a maximum total value of 9 and must not exceed it. Combination of cards with a maximum number of circles of 9 (not past 9)

Big Pure Card A

combination of cards with the maximum total Panduan Judi Pulsa value between the top and bottom sides that the player gets is over 40 and cannot be less than that value.


Cards A combination of cards with the maximum total value between the top and bottom sides having the same value, namely (0/0), (1/1), (2/2), (3/3), (4/4), (5/5) and (6/6).

Six Gods Cards

A combination of cards whose total value is between the top and bottom sides has a circle value of 6, for example, (0/6), (1/5), (2/4), (3/3).

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